He is not me

In case anyone is wondering, there is another author with my name, Richard Bell, who has written books. He is not me. I have not nor will ever write a book about the Quran as this other Bell has done.
Life Seemed Good, But.... is my only book so far, so don't be fooled by imitations. I only write stories that have merit in the humor department. There may be other Richard Bells out there also; do not be taken in by them!
   I am in process of possibly getting professional editing and some representation, so far it seems too good to be true so I have to be cautious. Nobody reads this anyway so ... like it matters what I write here. I could write that I have a bomb hidden in my underwear and nobody will know.... Hopefully one day this blog will mean something to somebody, who knows? 
Work is going well. The book, the book! I updated my ebook and corrected a glaring mistake in the sentence structure. Imagine starting a quote in the middle of a paragraph OMG!!!! Fixed that! Now I have to find a way to update all other copies out there on other sites while eating chicken soup and giving Mars a nudge on it's way around the sun. I joined another band as Otis Henry. Soon the scheduling conflicts will begin and everything will begin a downward spiral.

I think that my ebook is one of the Most Hated books in history. Maybe that will generate some publicity. Maybe a character in my book tears apart the Qur'an page by page and eats it.
Public Service Announcements

1 Folks, it’s time for our public service announcements. The first announcement is brought to you by the Institute for Metaphysical Thought that wishes to remind you that whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
    It has been said that guns don’t kill people; it’s the bullets that come out of the guns, if you aim correctly. We wish to remind you that arrows can kill people also. So can knives. So can cars and trucks and drugs and food poisoning and wild animals and meteorites, so if little junior comes home with a meteorite sticking out the top of his head, don’t say we didn’t warn you.
-This has been a public service announcement.

 2   This next announcement is brought to you by the Society for Metaphysical Thinking which wishes to remind you that playing horseshoes is not the same as playing hand grenades.
  It has been said that all men are created equal, but is it true? Maybe we all start out the same, but we don’t all end up the same. For instance, would you let your neighbor’s kid go to a hospital and operate on people’s brains? Would you let the gardener fix your computer with a wire brush? No, you wouldn’t. So the next time someone tells you that all men are created equal, ask them to accompany you and the kid to the hospital to prove it.
-This has been a public service announcement.

 3 This announcement is brought to you by the Institute for Metaphysical Meandering which wishes to remind you that if you weren’t you, someone else might be you, but how would you know?
  It has been asked in the past, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Maybe only five can, or maybe all of them can dance on the pin if they make themselves really really tiny. But what kind of dance would it be, a foxtrot? A waltz? Or would they form a mambo line and go around and around? When you find out, please keep it to yourself because we don’t want to start another holy war.   
 -This has been a public service announcement.

 4  This next announcement is brought to you by the University for Metaphysical Thought who wish to remind you that are much smarter than the people at the Society for Metaphysical Thinking.
  Friends, have you ever wondered about electricity? What really happens inside those wires when you plug something in? We can now reveal the truth. Inside the wires are snakes and elephants. The snakes go up the wires and the elephants slide down the wires. They do this very quickly because elephants don’t like snakes one bit, and snakes are very afraid of elephants. This causes a lot of friction and heat, which then goes inside the device you plugged in and makes it work. Now you know as much about electricity as we do.  
-This has been a public service announcement.

 5   This next announcement is brought to you by the people of the Academy for Metaphysical Ideas who wish to remind you that what you see is what you get, unless you’re a blind person.
Have you ever considered the essence of time? We say things like “time flies”, or “time stood still”, or “let’s have a time out”, but what do we really know about time? With centuries behind us and centuries ahead of us, why are we here now? Is time something we can play with or is time precious and not to be wasted? Do people take the time to consider things like this? …usually not, but we need time to talk about time, and this is it. So be sure to take the time today to be in the moment and enjoy the time you have, because- one day you’ll die, and then what?
-This has been a public service announcement.

 6  The next announcement is brought to you by the Institute for Metaphysical Thought who wish to merge with the Organization of Metaphysical Whimsy, who wish to remind you that questioning authority will only get you in hot water.
A man was walking down the road with his friend when he stopped in front of a small rock that was on the ground. He turned to his friend and said, “I’m going to do something for this rock that it could never do for itself.” The man then kicked the rock further on down the road. Impressed and wanting to seem equally wise, the other man thought a bit and then said, “I’m going to do something for you that you could never do for yourself”, and he picked up that rock and threw it at his friend.   
 -This has been a public service announcement but we’re not sure why.

 7  The following announcement is brought to you by the people at the Institute for Metaphysical Whimsy who are in no mood to merge with anyone and who wish to remind you that time is an illusion for people who aren’t in a hurry.
It has been said that nothing annoys people more than not receiving invitations, but let us examine that a little more closely. Nowadays invitations are not what they used to be: small cards containing words that request our presence at events that include a time and date. Today, an invitation is often in the form of a text message. Maybe we don’t want to attend and need to find a nice way out. You could ignore the invitation and pretend it never arrived, but then you look bad and have a lot of explaining to do. Instead, tell them you have something else scheduled for that day and time. Then pack your bags and leave the country for a while.
-This has been a public service announcement.

 8  This next announcement is brought to you by the people at the Foundation for Metaphysical Beliefs who used to be called the Institute for Wishful Thinking, who wish to remind you that if A equals B and B equals C, then it’s no wonder little Johnny can’t read.
Good afternoon friends. I call you my friends even though I don’t know you because theoretically you are all potential friends. It may be that after getting to know you it turns out I don’t like you, but that hasn’t happened yet. Many of you have heard me giving these announcements and may already consider me to be your friend. If so, hello friend. Now maybe you, my friends, can be friends with each other. It’s not much, but it’s a start…unless you don’t like each other.    
 -This has been a public service announcement.

9  Finally, this announcement is brought to you by the Association for Metaphysical Discernment who wish to remind you that you should never make fun of people… unless they’re smaller than you and you can run very quickly.
Gravity is one of the most powerful forces travelling in the universe, yet surprisingly little is actually known about how this force operates. Everything in the material universe, from the smallest atom to the biggest star, has a gravitational field around it. Everything is tugging at everything else. Perhaps one day everything will be pulled into everything else and it will become one big ball of stuff. Even then, it will still be difficult to book a flight at the last minute on a holiday, so plan ahead.
-This has been a public service announcement.

 10  This next announcement has just been rushed in and is brought to you by the Second Institute for Metaphysical Pondering who wish to remind you to get a haircut, and that they are much wiser than the people at the Academy for Metaphysical Ideas
Do you know where your children are? I ask because of a growing problem in our community, and that is: children turning into werewolves. Even a child who’s pure at heart and says his prayers at night may become a wolf when the wolf bane blooms, and the moon is full and bright. All it takes is just one bite and pretty soon, there goes the neighborhood. Be safe, and keep a close eye on your kids. And have a supply of silver bullets handy.
-This has been a public service announcement.

 11  This really final announcement is brought to you by the people at the Institute/Association for the Development of Metaphysical Opinions who disdain all the other groups here and who wish to remind you to keep your mouth closed… while cleaning the toilet.
     It’s been said that music is the language of the soul. If that’s true then some of you have pretty twisted souls. I was looking for music on the radio today and heard all kinds of so-called music that I just didn’t understand at all, and one in particular was just all over the map. It made my head spin and I had to turn it off after a while. I’d like to warn all of you against listening to this particular artist, because no good can come of it. His name… is Mozart.
-This has been a public service announcement. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

No wait, this final message has just been received. It states that the Institute for Metaphysical Thought wishes to announce that they are indeed smarter than all the other groups put together and that the vast majority of people in those other groups are temperamental, egg-sucking idiots whom they could take with one arm tied behind their back.
They wish to remind you to be nice to other people.

Thank you for listening.
Greetings my space alien friends, I have much to report. Your plan for the deterioration of Earth is moving along swimmingly. I have been planting subliminal messages all over the place to further our goals. I am almost ready for the reunion with the mother-ship. But seriously.... My radio show is on course as far as I know and I've made another connection at the station for a possible interview on air. My commitment to the cause remains firm and indefatigable. I eschew servile platitudes. I will not stultify the mind by pandering to the lowest common denominator but will soar to the halcyon heights to which I have become accustomed.  The like-minded are few and far between. Nevertheless.... Thank you to my staunch allies in the quest. The newest story is about fishing and will be sent for publication at the end of February for the April edition of Wassup Local magazine, if I still like it and haven't written anything I like more.
   Can this ebook add value to your life? Yes it can. I could make all kinds of claims, such as it grows hair where there was none, or cures depression and gout, but that would seem specious unless  you actually try reading this little ebook and then draw your own conclusion. It is a known fact that if you buy and read Life Seemed Good, But.... that something good will happen to you in the next three years guaranteed! I stake what's left of my reputation on it.
   I bought a finger drive today and moved all my good music and pictures onto it. Now I need a back-up for my back-up, and so on ad infinitum.
Okay, I sent in my latest 'story' to Wassup magazine for the March 2012 publication. It is a series of public service announcements which are pretty funny. I thought about sending in my very first story entitled My Ideal Job about my pet potato Spud, but that seemed a desperate move. Always best to come up with new material whenever possible, I say. No word on a job  yet. At least I'm out of where I used to be and that is a blessing.
Since I have become quite sedentary lately, I have developed a new workout routine which I'd like to share with others. It is called the Out of Body Workout and is all done in your mind. You too can lift huge amounts of imaginary weights, run in 100 mile marathons, and swim the Atlantic. And it's all done out of body so there is no danger of injury! Sign up today and receive half-off our introductory rate of $0.00 (limited time offer) or you can open an imaginary charge account and be billed monthly.

work 2

Maybe I could work at Wal-Mart and be an Anti-greeter, you know, insult people, refuse to answer question. Say things like, "Ewww, where did you get those shoes? You must not have a job." and then laugh hysterically. I wonder what THAT would pay? People would have to understand that it is 'performance art' and go along with it and have a sense of humor or I could get hurt.

 to see excerpts from my ebook, go to the oldest post.


I think I know what I want to do for my next job. I want to work at a zoo and be the person who wakes the animals up in the morning. I wonder what that pays....

 to see excerpts from my ebook, go to the oldest post.


Warning: This is a book of humor and not meant to be mistaken for great literature. Also it is NOT meant for young children despite the cover art.

I started this ebook as a series of short stories that were therapy for me while dealing with a stressful time in my life. Haven't we all had those? Well I know some of you have, judging by my friends on Facebook. I was originally going to title the book 'Stupid Stories for Depressed People' but since I am not a doctor or therapist, I didn't want to be sued if someone read the book and then got worse. I got better but it wasn't entirely due to the book. Maybe one day I will write about my life a little more, but most of it is encapsulated in my stories. Just think, if you buy my little ebook, you are in essence getting my life story for around four bucks, which is pretty cheap for a life nowadays. And yet I am pretty sure that you will see some of your life in here as well.

Feel free to add comments about anything you wish. A good blog is a group effort.