Greetings my space alien friends, I have much to report. Your plan for the deterioration of Earth is moving along swimmingly. I have been planting subliminal messages all over the place to further our goals. I am almost ready for the reunion with the mother-ship. But seriously.... My radio show is on course as far as I know and I've made another connection at the station for a possible interview on air. My commitment to the cause remains firm and indefatigable. I eschew servile platitudes. I will not stultify the mind by pandering to the lowest common denominator but will soar to the halcyon heights to which I have become accustomed. The like-minded are few and far between. Nevertheless.... Thank you to my staunch allies in the quest. The newest story is about fishing and will be sent for publication at the end of February for the April edition of Wassup Local magazine, if I still like it and haven't written anything I like more.
Can this ebook add value to your life? Yes it can. I could make all kinds of claims, such as it grows hair where there was none, or cures depression and gout, but that would seem specious unless you actually try reading this little ebook and then draw your own conclusion. It is a known fact that if you buy and read Life Seemed Good, But.... that something good will happen to you in the next three years guaranteed! I stake what's left of my reputation on it.
I bought a finger drive today and moved all my good music and pictures onto it. Now I need a back-up for my back-up, and so on ad infinitum.