Hi everybody...yes, you. I have not been on for a while here. Made a few more corrections to the book. People say to have a blog, so here it is. My blog.
Life goes on.
I have made a donation of over $100 US to cancer research at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, IL. Hope to make another as soon as I get more sales. I also wanted to make a donation to my old high school but they make it DAMN near impossible to contact them online, for some odd reason. Oh well, I tried...their loss.
All throughout my book I talk about my quest for the ideal job. I think I may now have it, and I hope to hold onto it for as long as I can. Nevertheless that goal stays in the book because I'm sure other people have the same quest. Some go though life without ever finding it. Also may I mention that my book contains hidden clues to having eternal life? You will have to read it and piece together the clues. If you can HAHAHAHAHA.
This book is quite unique. I realized recently that some of the stories may seem outright mean and sad, but cancer does that to one. I don't know if it's worse to have it or watch a loved one have it.
Best to be neither. But it makes you stronger in the long run, at least it did me.
So this is my blog. Seems kind of pointless if nobody ever reads it but me. Maybe posterity will find it and accidentally erase it.
Have a nice life.